My Story

ive finally made it as a doctor.. this blog is about me and my experiences in bangladesh. i do try to use bangladesh as a holiday to see family, but i have a skill which i must use when i am in my home country

Sunday, March 18, 2007

i went to a wedding, but i dont know who's!

hey guys

my boss asked me to go to a wedding reception tonight. i asked what should i wear and she said, a panjabi. turns out i was the ONLY person wearing one and it was bright royal blue! ahh well, at least i made my entrance...

the food was shit but i met some nice people.


the two women i am with are my boss and the lady with the red bindi is laila auntie. laila auntie is really cool, her dress sense at times is weird, but she has been like an auntie to me, and making sure i am ok all the time. lovely woman, i should get her a sari or something as a present..



Mushroom said...

oi oi savaloy! only one dressed up to the nines....u tart....;) lol, only messing, i'm sure your efforts were appreciated by the guests who were probably getting sick of the repetitive creams and beiges. x

Anonymous said...

looking very smart! You should wear that in Mumbai...or not. Hope things are cool geez.

My flight for Mumbai is booked. I'll be there Fri 30th afternoon. I'll check with friend which hotel is best? it's good to get a good location.

bodda said...

nice observation (@ ur comment on nazzina mohsin (nikonian) post 16000 out of 140 million)

Anonymous said...

hello mim. nice to see you are still alive and well! Phone Home, it was good enough for ET maybe it is good enough for you.